Hi, I'm Troz, a Guitar Player & Instructor from Laguna Niguel, CA.

My personal journey in life has been exploring and developing my own musicality with continues lifelong learning in all subject matters of life that inspire my soul and to always support the creative growth of others.


"When you hit a wrong note, it's the next note that determines if it's good or bad." —Miles 

"Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simple." —Charles Mingus

My Ultimate Goal as a Musician

Arts & Music I believe are gifts from God. My ultimate goal is to be in a subconscious mode of expression as a guitar player/musician. This achievement requires more than heavy chops and good taste; it calls for imagination along with sifting through one’s emotional and intellectual resources into an abstract form with discipline. These elements (imagination, emotional, intellectual and discipline) are by-products of life experiences; in other words, unless you really apply yourself nothing’s ever going to happen. I believe every great musician has passed through this inner process of self-realization which is essential for every aspiring artist before one can begin to create works of lasting importance.

A lot of people say that Bird (Charlie Parker) was born a genius. That’s wrong. He wasn’t born with anything except the ability to breathe. Unless you really apply yourself nothing’s ever going to happen.’ Sonny Criss (alto saxophonist 1968)

My Music | ✌️❤️😊

Jam On & The Truth

Coming Soon!!! Jam On and The Truth delivering you Music & the Word.

If interested, ask me about it, and I can keep you updated on the progress.

Contact me Here or on LinkedIn.

Bands I'm Playing In

Pix With Some Of My Favorite Players

In The Practice Room | Private Lessons

I'm available for private or group lessons and studio work.

Contact Form

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Blank Diagram Music Paper